Lean On Us. Loan With Us.

Lean On Us.
Loan With Us.

We’re boutique enough to:

Hold Your Hand

You don’t get treated with classic corporate complacence. Our attention is always on you, your deal and the finish line so nothing ever falls through the cracks.

Know you as a friend

You’re not just another faceless number in a lineup of clients, we value the relationship equally to the deal. When we’re done talking business, you may not wanna hang up.

Provide personalized service

Our entire team is hands-on and checking in throughout the duration of the loan process without your file ever being shuffled between various departments.

We’re large enough to:

Handle your nine-figure loans

With more than 20 years of CRE finance knowledge and experience we’ve seen it all.

Boast 99% client retention

Based on hundreds of clients, not just a handful of acquaintances. Better yet, most of our clients willingly refer us to others in the industry.

Handle negotiations with large institutions

We’ve cultivated connections with a diverse range of lending institutions and have a full latitude of options available.

our TEAM

Meet the stars of RidgeRock.

100% committed until you are 100% satisfied.

Bibi Morozow


Prior to joining RidgeRock AMG, Bibi served as administrator of a healthcare agency, leading a team of over 200 employees. She has a degree in Finance and has over 15 years of experience in the finance industry.

Bibi plays a crucial role as the behind-the-scenes powerhouse. Ridgerock depends on her intuitive decision-making, sharp business acumen and practical thinking. With a solution-oriented approach and an indefatigable can-do attitude, she’s integral to the company’s expansion and success.

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Joseph Saul

Senior Vice President

Joseph brings over 20 years of extensive experience in the dynamic landscape of global financial business markets. With his profound understanding and foolproof intuition, he empowers his clients with comprehensive analyses tailored to their unique needs. It’s easy to underestimate the power of Joseph because he’s self-effacing and humble yet in business he demonstrates an assertive drive when it comes to securing loans and delivering optimal results for his clients. He has crafted his business on offering hands-on guidance and continuous support as he steers buyers towards their desired outcomes.

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Aaron Sussman

Managing Director

With an ever-present smile, Aaron demonstrates unmatched business acumen and work ethic. He spearheads big client relationships and handles complex financial decisions with ease. Aaron is constantly up to date on the movement within the capital markets and his finger is always on the pulse of the lending landscape allowing him to consistently procure proper debt structure. Aaron honed his expertise while working in world-renowned mortgage firms in the Northeast and advanced further running the point at RidgeRock, similar to his position on the basketball court.
Despite dealing with the intricacies of multi-million-dollar deals, Aaron remains approachable and pleasant. He is determined — he leaves no stone unturned — walking every project to completion with composure and clarity.

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Diana Denis

Senior analyst

Diana is an invaluable member of our team. She plays a pivotal role in facilitating the seamless closure of our many deals. Diana brings with her 10+ years of experience in analytical expertise from managing finances at Walgreens. Her organizational skills and meticulous attention to detail are clear as she assembles and compiles the necessary documents for every file. Diana's exceptional communication abilities allow her to swiftly procure all pertinent paperwork, efficiently navigating the communication channels between clients and lenders. She ensures a streamlined process that minimizes delays or inefficiencies.

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Jason Tindall

Business development

Jason is all kindness, helpfulness and Southern charm. With a diverse work history that includes 13 years as a chef alongside Martha Stewart, he adds vibrancy to our team. Jason's contribution to the business extends beyond his networking prowess and portfolio management. His presence alone brings a contagious positive energy that fosters growth and propels our success. When entrusted with a task, Jason dedicates himself to its achievement. He helps the business thrive as he networks new clients and manages existing portfolios.

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“Our Starting Five, Your Closing Five”

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